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Showing posts from February, 2020

Top 10 Best Racing games for P.C

Top 10 Best Racing games for P.C  What are the best racing games on PC? Whether mastering muddy tracks in Dirt Rally or embracing Forza Horizon 4’s brilliant Britain, here are the best racers around. Picking the very best racing games on PC is no easy task. So many elements contribute: the genre’s not only about graphical fidelity and hair-raising sound design – though both certainly help – it’s also about pulling you into the action as if you’re there in the driver’s seat, eyes strained as the asphalt whips past at 240kph. From honing your timing for a perfect gear shift to kicking out the back-end for a sublime drift, a quality racing game just feels right. Don’t go asking, “How could you forget about Grand Prix Legends! Where’s Geoff Crammond?!” When versions of those games surface on Steam or GOG, we’ll be the first in line to play them again… and inevitably find they haven’t aged as well as we hoped. So for those of you who are just looking to hop in ...

PUBG Mobile releases new video detailing its ‘Project: Ban Pan’ initiative

PUBG Mobile releases new video detailing its ‘Project: Ban Pan’ initiative One new addition that the company is going to make to Project: Ban Pan, is the Death Replay function. It will allow players to immediately see how they were killed from the perspective of their opponent. PUBG Mobile has just released a behind-the-game video, showcasing everyone, how their team fight against cheaters using their Project: Ban Pan security system. The video follows a cheater who PUBG Mobile placed a ban of 10 years on. It shows how the security system defends fair gameplay and how the security team works to protect a healthy gaming environment. To recall, Project: Ban Pan was revealed at the PUBG MOBILE Club Open 2019 Fall Split Global Finals in December. This helped the developers combat cheaters by identifying them and placing a ban on them. The company claims that it is continuously updating the coverage and accuracy of each security component of its Project: Ban Pan featu...

Marvel’s Spider-Man (PS4) – Review

Marvel’s Spider-Man (PS4) – Review Warning: The following review may contain slight story surprises to Marvel’s Spider-Man. “Spider-pig, Spider-pig, does whatever a spider-pig does…” Yes, now I’ve ticked off my list both a music reference and movie/pop culture reference in one very crap go, I think it is time to get into the review. Another one of those “retro” reviews as the releases, for the most part, have fallen silent for the start of the year. Though the use of the word retro is objectionable, it is hardly two years old and feels like anything else that’s come out in recent years, in fact, that’s my first issue. Sony’s Marvel’s yet another reboot for Peter Parker’s life: Marvel’s Spider-Man is a tread-for-tread superhero game that is following in Batman’s shadowy footsteps. Much like everyone with a working heartbeat and a hand that can mash a square button like it feeds me a cake every time, the “Arkham combat system” is drilled into my brain. The thing is, the com...