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Welcome to Warzone – a massive new combat experience where up to 150 players take the role of a veteran Tier 1 Operator and drop in to the dense and sprawling world of Verdansk. Warzone is a game-changer packed with non-stop and endless action that’s free-to-play and free-for-everyone!

Warzone will be live tomorrow, March 10 at 8AM PDT as a one-time early access for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare owners, and launch a few hours later around 12PM PDT, free for everyone!
You do not need to own the full version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare to download, play and enjoy Warzone. Call of Duty: Warzone is free for everyone.

Want to be ready to hit the ground running on this massive Call of Duty experience? Read on to get the details on Warzone.


The World of Warzone: Battle Royale and Plunder
At launch, players can squad up in trios with their friends on Playstation 4, for PC, or Xbox One across two game modes: Battle Royale and Plunder.
In Battle Royale, fight to be the last squad standing while escaping the deadly gas in the swiftly closing circle with up to 150 players.
In Plunder, the race is on to collect the most in-match Cash by looting across the map, taking down enemies to steal their Cash, and completing in-match Contracts. 
Warzone takes place in Verdansk, an expansive city with multiple named zones and well over 300 points of interest. Each zone features distinct landmarks like the Gorengard Lumber Yard or the Gora Dam; the zones take place across different environment types like cities and rural areas for unique engagements. Change up your drop location in each match to get a better lay of the land and take advantage of what Verdansk has to offer.

Need to escape the gas in the closing circle or get to another zone? Take a vehicle.

The Vehicles of Warzone 
If you need to get somewhere fast in Warzone, the best method is a vehicle. There are five vehicles all with varying levels of protection, speed, seating, and off-roading capability. Each vehicle has a health meter and when it reaches zero, the vehicle explodes and flames out. Needlessly to say, if the health of your vehicle is depleting, bail out before the impending explosion. 
Here’s an overview of the five vehicle types that are populated throughout the world in Warzone:
·     ATV – two seater, provides minimal protection, good at offroading, fast.
·     Tactical Rover – four seater, provides minimal protection, solidly fast, solid at off-roading.
·     SUV – four seater, provides good protection, medium speed, not ideal for off-roading.
·     Cargo Truck – holds the squad plus equipment, excellent protection, not for off-roading, slowest.
·     Helicopter – four seater, decent coverage, flies.

The Mechanics of the Warzone 
Warzone features some unique mechanics that keep each match interesting and give you plenty of strategies to try for a new experience every time you drop in. 
Here’s a list of some of the new and game-changing mechanics players will find in a Warzone match:

The Gulag (only in Battle Royale)
Upon your first elimination, you will be taken as a “Prisoner
 of Warzone” and thrown into the Gulag. There you will await 
your fate and watch other prisoners fight to the death.
 When your turn is up, you’ll enter the Gulag and face-off against
 a single opponent in a 1v1 to earn the ultimate reward - redeployment.
 Win in the Gulag and earn redeployment back into Verdansk. 
Lose and hope that your squad completes
 Contracts and earns enough in-match Cash to redploy you. 

Contracts are objective oriented tasks players can find and
 activate across Verdansk. A squad can activate one Contract
 at a time and completing it rewards you in-match Cash and other
 loot items. Multiple types of Contracts exist including Scavenger
 Contracts where you have to find and open a series of Supply
 Boxes and Recon Contacts where you must secure one location,
 similar to Call of Duty’s Domination mode. In addition to in-match
 Cash, Contracts can give you special rewards like the ability to
see the next circle collapse location before it starts to close.

Buy Stations
In Battle Royale where collecting in-match Cash isn’t the objective,
 Cash can be used to procur beneficial items at Buy Stations.
 Denoted on the Tac-Map with a shopping cart icon, head to a 
Buy Station to spend your in-match Cash. For varying prices, 
you can purchase Killstreaks, Redeploy Tokens to bring back 
fallen teammates, Self-Revive Kits, and more.
In Plunder, Buy Stations hold all of these items to help you gain
 an advantage over other teams, plus a unique game mode item 
– the Cash Deposit Balloon. Want to securely deposit your in-match
 Cash, away from the threat of enemy teams trying to kill and steal?
 Get a Cash Deposit Ballon, a portable Field Upgrade, that allows 
you to deposit Cash, from anywhere.

Seamless Play
Call of Duty: Warzone shares Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s crossplay
 and unified progression. For players that already own the full version of 
Modern Warfare, all content already earned including Battle Pass items,
 Operators, weapons and customization items will carry over to Warzone,
 and all progression earned in Warzone will counts toward overall Modern 
Warfare progressionFor players who do not own the full version of Modern
 Warfare, all progress and items they’ve earned in Warzone will be rewarded
 across Multiplayer and Special Ops in Modern Warfare, should they ever 
choose to purchase it. 

In-Depth Information On Downloading
For owners of the full version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare,
 Warzone will replace the previously named ‘Classified’ panel in
the Main Menu. A one-time early access will give Modern Warfare
 owners the ability to download Warzone at 8AM PDT. For Modern
 Warfare owners who are current and have the most recent title
updates, the download will be a 18-22GB. Once download is
complete, Modern Warfare owners will “unlock” the Warzone 
panel, which was previously classified, and can enter the
lobby and play. 
For non-owners of the full version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare,
 Warzone will be available to download free in respective first-party
 stores starting as early as 12 PM PDT. Head to the store and search
 for ‘Warzone.’ Choose Call of Duty: Warzone to download. Warzone
 is a 83-101GB download for new, free-to-play users. Download could
 take up to several hours depending on bandwidth, service provider,
additional regional factors and will vary by platform.
You do not need to own the full version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
 to download, play and enjoy Warzone. Call of Duty: Warzone is free for everyone.
Look for specific information and more download details later today on the Games
Experience Warzone - cross-platform, free-to-play, and free-for-everyone on
March 10!
More intel on Call of Duty: Warzone can be found starting tomorrow in the free
Official Warzone Strategy Guide and on the Activision Games Blog. Be on the 
lookout for more blogs, tomorrow, on Battle Royale and Plunder, an article 
exploring the map of Warzone, and our launch day blog for all additional 

For more information and the latest intel on Warzone, visit This Link follow
@CallofDuty on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. 


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