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Fortnite tips and tricks: a Battle Royale guide to help you win

Fortnite tips and tricks: a Battle Royale guide to help you win


Battle royale games are all the rage right now, so you’re going to need our top Fortnite tips and tricks to set yourself apart. Whether you are playing on PC or on Fortnite mobile for iOS, make sure you pay close attention to our Fortnite tips for Battle Royale.
If you want the glory of a victory royale, we have returned, battle-hardened, from Epic Games’ brightly-coloured trenches to give you the help you need to make all the difference in your quest for survival. You might have played the other big battle royale game in town, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, but you’ve still got work to put in to be a Fortnite pro.

General Fortnite tips

There are numerous similarities to Bluehole’s behemoth as you will find in our PUBG guide but, there are some key differences that you will need to bear in mind. These are the top Fortnite tips to give you the greatest chance of staying in there.

Limit the sound you make

One of the most important Fortnite tips is to keep the decibel level to an absolute minimum. If a player nearby can detect you with some half-decent headphones, they have a significant advantage – even if you are brimming with legendary loot.
This means you should run as little as possible – running is much louder than walking or crouching, and emits noticeable puffs of smoke in your wake – and make sure your surroundings are secure when building or scavenging resources with your pickaxe. Note: other players can hear you when you are switching your weapons.

Use headphones

To turn the tables on your enemies you can invest in a decent pair of cans yourself. The game is free, so you have saved some cash to put towards some, really.
Since knowing where other players are is half the battle (royale), wearing headphones can be the difference between life and death – even if you are lacking in loot. Keep your own noise to a minimum and, when you hear another sound, be on the alert.

Be paranoid

Actually, you should be on the alert at all times. This is not a game for the faint-hearted. Some of the most crucial Fortnite tips are to never relax, and always assume there is another player just round the corner, waiting to invite you to a sophisticated dinner date with their pump-action shotgun. If you hear a faint noise, wait. Then wait again. As soon as you get complacent, you will be shot dead and bumped back to the lobby screen, all anguish and frustration.
Battle royale games are as much a state of mind as they are tests of shooting skill – and Fortnite Battle Royale is no different. If you find a good piece of cover to overlook the circle’s perimeter, assume someone else has had this thought, too. If you have only just breathlessly made it into the safe zone, know that there are plenty of other players desperately scrabbling their way in there.
The Fortnite map is big, but it is not that big. If you are having a shoot out with someone it normally means other opportunistic players are being drawn towards you. Build walls to protect your flanks, and only go after players that represent an actual threat to you.

The circle is all that matters

One of the most important Fortnite tips is to always be aware of the circle, forever shrinking in size, always ready to swallow you. Every strategic decision should be made with your proximity relative to the eye of the storm in mind.
Already in the circle once the timer starts ticking down? Great – pay attention to the way in which it is shrinking. Will you be outside it shortly?
If you are down on your luck and the safe zone is a trek away, getting there is your priority. If you spot another play, and you cannot defeat them sharpish – get past them. For heaven’s sake don’t get into a protracted scrap: you might win some pride but that is worth nothing when you are dead.

Drink shield potions immediately


If you get this little pot of blue goodness make sure you snaffle it up, immediately. It will make a big difference to your Fortnite gameplay. The 50% shield buff lasts for the duration of the match, but, since it is a shield buff, it will not protect you from certain damage types, like falling. What’s more, you can stack two, doubling your starting max health and giving you a serious advantage.


You can acquire shields with three different items: the regular shield potion, small shield potion, and slurp juice. Regular shield potions give 50 extra shield points, up to a maximum of 100. Small shield potions give 25, up to a maximum of 50. Slurp Juice, however, comes with a double bonus: it adds 25 shield and can also heals you for 25 health points.
If you land in an area with other players it is usually best to glug those potions straight away. However if you are alone try finding less potent shields before downing your regular shield potions. That way you can get that sweet, sweet 200HP.

Only engage when you are certain of success

Unlike the vast majority of multiplayer shooters, the aim of Fortnite Battle Royale is to survive, not to get kills. This is arguably one of the most important Fortnite tips to remember: you could get 98 kills and still lose.
Instead, you need to survive to the very end, and that means you need to assess carefully whether any engagement is necessary at all times. Some unwise aggro will alert the target and nearby players to your location, bringing a swift and premature end to your game.
That said, high-risk strategies can come with the rewards to match. Successfully downing your target will net you their loot, which might bolster your arsenal enough to make the difference in the final stages.

Do not loot bodies straight away


If you get a kill, it is hard not to zip over to your unfortunate victim’s corpse and loot the shower of items that have erupted from their body. Resist this temptation.
Firefights attract lots of attention; you cannot guarantee that your murderous mano-a-mano has not piqued the attention of nearby players. You are at your most vulnerable when looting; you are presenting your opponent with an easy, static target to easily blow away. Resist the urge to immediately loot. Wait for others to take the juicy bait.
Also, when looting, build around yourself while you swap out gear. This is even more important while healing or using shield potions: you never know who was watching your fight through a scope and just waiting to land an easy headshot.

Cover is destructible, always have a plan B

This is a key distinction between Fortnite gameplay and PUBG’s: all cover in Fortnite is destructible. Do not trust it. Whenever you start to feel comfortable and hubris starts to set in, make sure you have a contingency plan or a viable, easily-accessible escape route for when things inevitably go tits up.
On the flip side, if you manage to track down a grenade or rocket launcher, they will be essential in levelling the carefully constructed fortresses and hiding spots housing the rivals around you. Here is a key Fortnite tip: if there is any trace of sound or movement, smoke ‘em out.

Build during the final showdown, and know how to do it

The ability to build in Fortnite Battle Royale is another feature PUBG lacks – so make sure you check out our top Fortnite building tips for that – and it can come in handy, especially towards the business end of a match. It can grant you makeshift cover and help you access loot, but it is conspicuous. Don’t be shy when it comes to building, although player-made structures stick out like a sore thumb.
Read more: Where do you stand on the Fortnite vs. PUBG debate?
However, verticality is important in Fortnite Battle Royale and the player with the high ground will always have an advantage over those sneaking behind trees or hiding in bushes. If you have the resources to do so at the endgame, build high so you have a view of the diminishing safe zone. This, combined with a strong ranged weapon, is a deadly combination.
When the circle moves and your little base is no longer in the safe zone, leave for the next zone early to establish new ground. Get used to using ‘Q’ or Mouse Button 3 to switch to building mode quickly.

Stockpile resources towards the end of the match, and learn to love wood

At all times, you want to make sure you have half an eye on building your stock of resources. In Fortnite Battle Royale you have three building materials: wood, stone, and metal in ascending order of durability. All can be farmed around the map, but make sure you aim for the flashing circles when farming to speed up the process.
New players tend to think metal is the best material to use, but this is often not the case. Metal takes longer to finish building and only spawns with 70HP, meaning players can easily shoot it down, and you with it. Wood, on the other hand, spawns with 100 HP and builds much faster (to a max of 200 HP) than brick or metal. In other words: to block bullets, or when building aggressively, you should use wood. When building a safe little hideout, use metal or brick.
Space will be tight at the end of a match, so you will looking to hold ground rather than sprint to wherever the safe zone is. If you have stumbled on some traps, now is the time to fortify your builds and take out other players trying to sneak up on you.
fortnite tips weapons

Fortnite weapons and items

Fortnite weapons come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from the trusty pistol to the barnstorming rocket launcher. But, unlike PUBG, Fortnite Battle Royale weapons have a rarity scale, as detailed below:
  • Grey: Common
  • Green: Uncommon
  • Blue: Rare
  • Purple: Epic
  • Gold: Legendary
So, how do you find Fortnite weapons? They tend to be concentrated in built-up areas, but they are not the only places they can be found. Smaller buildings and areas will have loot.
The best Fortnite weapons tend to be those with a long range – snipers and scoped assault rifles, mostly. Of course, it is best to have those as well as short-range shotguns to keep you covered in any situation, but you willbind yourself further away from enemies in such a large map, more often than not.

Fortnite locations


Choosing the Fortnite location in which to land is another high risk/reward choice you need to make once you have launched yourself from the battle bus. We recommend beginners avoid the more built up, named areas – these are the places most people will go. If you can land and establish yourself in the game without being blown to bits straight away, that is a big first step. Also, if your Fortnite location is as central as possible, it minimises the chances of you having to rush across huge distances to the safe zone when the end of the match nears.

That said, many players start in more established areas because loot is more concentrated there. If you can escape the opening skirmishes in Pleasant Park, Tilted Towers, or Retail Row, you will be armed to the teeth. Below you will find a primer on each main Fortnite location:
  • Lazy Links – a luxury resort with a playable golf course and buggies to drive around.

  • Fatal Fields – here we have big barns and lots to loot. Land in the nearby hills to get a good view of other players.

  • Flush Factory – this is a challenging place to land, given its relative lack of loot and distance from the centre.

  • Greasy Grove – the residential part of this fast food-flavoured map is full of houses with good loot.

  • Lonely Lodge – there is lots of good loot here and it is relatively quiet as most players opt for the nearby Retail Row, instead.

  • Paradise Palms– at the centre of the desert biome in the map’s south-east corner, this Fortnite locations features is Epic’s answer to PUBG’s Miramar.

  • Pleasant Park – land on this area’s many rooves and use your pickaxe to smash your way in to get to loot quickly.

  • Retail Row – there are loads of buildings to loot here, but prioritise getting a decent shotgun lickety-split – it will come in handy in this close-quarters zone.

  • Wailing Woods – loot is quite scarce compared to the other main areas in this forested zone, but there are plenty of spots to hide.

  • Dusty Divot – after the devastation visited on this area by season 4’s meteor shower, Dusty Divot is currently overgrown. This tends to be a busy spot, so watch out if you’re a beginner.

  • Salty Springs – this area holds a surprisingly generous amount of weapon and chest spawns. Land here and pick off weary Tilted stragglers.

  • Tomato Temple – in it’s previous township incarnation, there wasn’t loads here. Now, the grand temple has much more to offer, with the main temple offering effective and high opportunities for skill long-range combatants.

  • Lucky Landing – this is a beautifully vibrant, medium-sized area full of brightly-blossomed trees and sky lanterns. There is plenty of loot to be found here, but it is rather scattered.
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  • Junk Junction – there are few loot chances in this scrapyard and it’s remote location in the north-west could put you at a disadvantage.
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  • Haunted Hills – often an overlooked location, beginners should give this a go, if you don’t get us scared as we do.
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  • Snobby Shores – this charming and attractive ‘burb packs a high amount of loot, but be ready to pack your pickaxe and run if the eye of the storm moves to the other side of the map.
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  • Tilted Towers – this is not the best place for new players. Skilled players could come out with some great loot, though.
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  • Shifty Shafts – this claustrophobic mine means you’ll need a shotgun, and fast.
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  • Risky Reels – this is the perfect place to take a break from the fighting and take in a good flick. It tends to be pretty quiet, too, making for a nice and easy start to a match.


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